Thursday, March 27, 2008


Dear 1978 Classmates,

There is no sense asking if any of us can believe that it is time for our 30th class reunion, because time has passed too quickly and here we are. Several of us have met and made plans for a simple, but yet fun get together, to share and remember old times and to catch up on what we are doing now.

We have chosen the 4th and 5th of July 2008 for our reunion weekend. The weekend begins with a informal get together at the Brass Rail on Friday the 4th. Those of us that want to gather bright and early on Saturday, will take part in a golf scramble at the Orofino Golf Course. Saturday evening will find the 1978 class at the Orofino Golf Course for pictures, time to share, dinner, and drinking.

Here are nice and convenient places to check into for those of you traveling:

Best Western Lodge at the Rivers Edge 476-9999
Helgeson Place 476-5729
White Pine Motel 476-7093
Konkolville Motel 476-5584
High Country Inn (Bed & Breakfast) 476-7570

Please find an itinerary for the weekend and a sheet that needs to be completed and returned by May 31, 2008 for those of you attending. If you have any questions please email me or call me in the evenings.

Hope to see you in July!

Tammy Baugh Gilmer
208 476-3421 home The one I check the most.

Janet Moyer Montambo
208 476-4629 home

Friday, July 4th
6:00PM Brass Rail—No host get together

(Orofino hosts a 4th of July celebration in the City Park starting at 5:00PM. There is a barbeque dinner that can be bought. Entertainment provided. Fireworks at 10:00PM. Great activities for families.)

Saturday, July 5th

Best Ball 4 Person Golf Scramble

8:00AM Sign in at the Orofino Golf Course

Phone: 208 476-3117

9:00AM Tee off
(9 holes--$13.50 green fees. We need an RSVP for this, to rent golf carts.)

5:00PM Group picture at the Orofino Golf Course

6:00PM Dinner $13.00 per person includes gratuity

(Menu includes BBQ beef sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw, and dessert) Beverages on your own


Mailing Address:__________________________


Dinner @ $13.00 per person
Number attending: ______ Amount:___________

Golf Scramble @ $13.50 per person
Number attending: ______ Amount:___________

T shirt $10.00
Blue shirt with white lettering, will have the maniac and our year on it.

Size:______________ Amount:_____________


Group picture @ $7.00
Number:______________ Amount:___________

Total enclosed:_____________________

Make check payable to:
1978 Class Reunion

Send to:

Tammy Gilmer
12273 Indio Avenue
Orofino, ID 83544

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