**********20 YEARS -- CLASS OF 1995**********
Contact @Ritchie Reinhardt
Please see the post on the Orofino Maniacs Facebook page for the link to purchase reunion tickets.
JULY 31st - AUGUST 1st!
The Orofino Class of 1985 30 year reunion will be held July 31st and August 1st. Friends and family of classmates are welcome to attend the event on Friday at the Brass Rail at 7pm or golf on Saturday. A small fee for food may be requested at the door or event on Friday. To golf on Aug 1, please sign up early by contacting Eric Trapp.
Eric’s email is: etrapp@idahosteelheads.com.
**********50 YEARS -- CLASS OF 1965**********
"50 Year Class Reunion" is September 19, 2015
Contact Sherry Wilfong Hopper: srhopper@cableone.net
(Sherry was putting together pictures of classmates for the reunion)
**********25 YEARS -- CLASS OF 1990**********
The Orofino High School Class of 1990 will hold a 25-Year Class Reunion during the Clearwater County Fair and Lumberjack Days, September 18, 19 & 20, 2015. There will be a gathering of the class the early evening of Friday, September 18th (Location TBA) as well as planned participation in Saturday's Lumberjack Days Parade.
Any 1990 classmates are welcomed and encouraged to attend as well as former OES, OJHS & OHS Teachers & Staff, with a special invitation extended to family members of 1990 Classmates who have passed away.
Connect with the OHS Class of 1990 on their Facebook community at: Orofino Maniacs Class of 1990, by email to ohs1990maniacs@aol.com or by calling 208-476-5914 and leaving a message for the Reunion Committee with contact info.